Friday 6 March 2015

La Decima Vittima

La Decima Vittima ( The 10th Victim) is an Italian film which is kind of like a real version of the pervasive game the assassins. The characters in the film are in a club where they have to hunt and kill other targets while also having people hunting them and trying to kill them. After watching all of the film I found there were many different parts throughout the film which I found quite funny. However I'm sure this wasn't something that they planned when making the film.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Pervasive Games

Pervasive games are games where the gaming experience extends into the real world. Some example of these are the assassins game, geocaching and curel 2 B kind. In the assassins game the players are all given a target that they must assassinate and is done with non lethal objects. While this player is trying to assassinate their target they will also have someone who is trying to assassinate them. Geocaching is when people leave small packages in different locations. People go onto the geocaching site and get the location of it and using  a GPSgo and find it. When found you add your name to the logbook then put it back where you found it.