Monday 6 October 2014


- What is the title of the book (fiction) you are currently reading, or what is the title of the last fiction book you read?

I don't read many fictional books but a I have read most of the Harry Potter books. After watching all the films I was told to read the books as they are very good, I ended up reading about the first half of the books and never got round to reading the last half.

- What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading, or what is the title/topic of the last non-fiction book you read?

I am currently reading The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell which I have only just started reading and I'm currently enjoying reading it. I decided to start reading this when Dave Pimm said that it was a good book and is relevant to my course.

- What is the last live performance (Music, drama or dance) you attended?

I have been to a few live performances when I was younger however I haven't been to any live performances in the last couple of years.

- What was the last film that you watched?

The last film that I watched was The Inbetweeners 2. I had seen the first Inbetweeners film and all the TV episodes and enjoyed all of them so I decided that I should see the new film. I thought that the film was very good and enjoyed every minute of it.

- When was the last time you read a newspaper and what was it?

I don't read newspapers that often. I last read one on the way to university the other day as there was a copy of The Metro on my seat so I had a read of it.

- When was the last time you went to a museum?

The last time I went to a museum was quite a few years ago when I went to the Science Museum in London. I have also been to several other museums like the British Museum, Natural History Museum and Tate Modern.

- How much time do you spend playing games a week?

I spend many hours a week playing games on both PC and Xbox however recently I haven't been able to play as much due to going to university and work.

- How much time do you spend playing non-digital games a week?

I don't play many non-digital games anymore however I used to play games like Monopoly, Cluedo, Snakes and Ladders, The Game of Life and many others.